LDS Gospel Doctrine Recordings from Radio Host Donna Max
Lesson Content
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 Technical Help

Technical Help:

Question: There are several ways to buy the lessons. What is the difference between them?
Whether you buy downloads, MP3 DVDs or MP3 CDs, you will be receiving the same lessons in MP3 format. The different options are available to accomodate cost, convenience and compatibility needs. Click here to learn more about these formats.

Question: I just purchased downloads. Where are they?
You should have received an e-mail message from with the download links in it. If not, check your Junk/Spam/Bulk folder as it may have been seen as spam by your e-mail provider. If you still can't find it, add to your e-mail contact list and . Please also include a phone number that we can reach you at in case our reply doesn't get through to you. We will resend your download links.

What is an MP3?
MP3 is a compressed audio format that can be played on a computer or an MP3 player (like a small CD player). iPods are MP3 players, although there are many less expensive players available at your local department store. You will need to connect your MP3 player to a computer in order to put MP3s on it. MP3s can also be "burned" to regular audio CDs using a computer. Because of the length of each lesson, only one will fit per audio CD. Instructions on how to burn an audio CD can be found below.

Question: What are downloads?
Downloads are computer files (in this case MP3 audio files) that come directly from our website to your computer. Nothing physical is shipped because downloads are not physical objects; they only exist in the computer world.

Question: How will I receive my downloads?
Answer: You will receive an e-mail from with download links to your purchased lessons (see picture below). Simply click on each link to get its corresponding MP3 audio file. please add to your contact list to ensure the e-mail doesn't get sent to your spambox. Check your spambox if you were not able to do so before purchasing lessons.

Your download links e-mail will look like this.

Question: How long are my download links valid?
Answer: Your download links are valid for 1 week. We have made the download period longer than is usual so you can have sufficient time to download all the files in the collection(s) that you purchase. Contact us if you are still not able to do so within this time period.

Question: How big are the mp3 files?
Answer: Each lesson takes approximately 20 Megabytes of disk space. A year's worth of lessons takes up about 1 Gigabyte of space, and all 4 years come to about 4 Gigabytes.

Question: I have dial-up internet. Can I still purchase downloads?
Answer: With a little patience, you could download the lessons one at a time. However, if you would like to purchase one or more of the full-year collections, we strongly suggest that you download the files using a broadband internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.). If you don't have access to broadband internet, you can purchase DVD collections here.

Question: I want to be able to play the lessons in my CD player. How can I do that?
Answer: If you have a CD-R drive in your computer, you can burn the mp3 files onto blank CD-Rs using free software such as Apple's iTunes. These CDs will then be playable in almost all audio CD players. If you have a CD player that plays MP3 CDs, you can purchase the lessons on MP3 CD and no additional work will be necessary - just insert a disc and play!

To burn a CD in iTunes:

1. If you don't already have iTunes, download it for free here.

2. Under the "File" menu, choose "New Playlist" and give the playlist a name. You can also use an existing playlist if you have one, but make sure there is nothing in it besides the lesson you want to put on CD.

3. Make sure the new playlist is selected and find the lesson file that you would like to burn to CD.

4. Drag the lesson file into the main window of the playlist in iTunes.

5. Click "Burn Disc" in the lower-right corner of the iTunes window and insert a blank CD-R into the disc drive. When iTunes has finished writing to the disc, you're done!