Lsn 1 |
Introduction |
Lsn. 1 Jan 3, 2007 Introduction History, - Apostles |
Lsn 2 |
John 1; Luke 1; Matt 1 & 2 |
John The Baptist; See God; Mary and Joseph. |
Lsn 3 |
John 1-3 & 7;
Matt 3-4 |
John The Baptist,- Jesus Baptized, -Trinity, - Christ's
Temptations; - 1st miracle.
Lsn 4 |
John 2-4 |
Lsn 5 |
Mark 1-5-9; Luke 4-5-11-
17; Matt 8-9-14-15-17 |
Born Again; - Christ's Miracles; Evil Spirits; Modern Whale story
Lsn 6 |
Luke 7-8-10-13; Matt 8-9,
15-17-21; Mark 9; John 5 |
Miracles; Centurian; Canaanite woman; Nobleman;
Tribute money, Christ -healed on Sabbath.
Lsn 7 |
Matt 9-l0 |
The Twelve; Missionaries;
Beatitudes - The Sermon on
The Mount |
Lsn 8 |
Matt 5-6; Luke 11 |
Christ-12 Gospel concepts |
Lsn 9 |
Matt 6-7-11-14 |
Fasting; Judging; Ask God;
Conversion; Stay on Path;
John beheaded |
Lsn 10 |
Matt 7-8-9-13; Luke 7-8; |
Woman washed Jesus feet;-Parables of Sower; 4 kinds of
Soil; Wheat & Tares;Mustard
Seed; Leaven; Hidden Trea-
sure; Pearl of Gr Price; |
Lsn 11 |
John 5-6; Matt 14-15;
Rev 16 |
Leadership; Relationship of he Father & Son; All re-
surrected; Law of Witnesses;
Giving honor; Manna; Elijah fed by birds; Jesus feeding 5,000; Food Storage; Parable
Loaves & Fishes. |
Lsn 12 |
John 6; Matt 7-15-16 |
Bread of Life; Will you go Away?; Christ sifting hearts;
Christ accused of Sabbath
violations; Corban; Respon-
sible for parents; Sign seekers
Jesus declares war; Who do
Ye say I am?; Peter rebuked;
Take up your cross. |
Lsn 13 |
Matt 17; John 3 |
Transfiguration; Faith; Per-
sonal stories - fingers cut off;
Trip to Costa Rica |
Lsn 14 |
Matt 17-18; Luke 9-10 |
Voice of Father heard; Jesus ministry at end; Doth not
your Master pay tribute; Who
Is greatest in Heaven; Woe to
those who offend little ones;
If thine eye offend thee; Par-
able of Lost Sheep; Calling &
instructions to the Seventies;
Feast of Tabernacles; Toler-
ance, forbearance, charity ;
Foxes have holes; Spirits |
Lsn 15 |
Luke 10; John 7-8-9-11 |
Mary & Martha; Feast ofTabernacles; No authorized
Rabbi-had not letters; This
man MUST be Christ; Doth the law judge before hearing;
Adulteress brought to Christ;
Christ light of world; Free
Men or bondsmen?; Abraham
Seed? Jehovah was my name.
Blind man healed; |
Lsn 16 |
John 9, l0, 16; Luke12, 13 |
Work while it is DAY; Jesus violated the Sabbath; Will ye
also be His disciples; Greater light - greater condemnation;
The Good Shepard; Ye are
Gods; If ye receive light ye
get more light; Brother
divide inheritance with me;
Parable of Rich Fool; Son of
Man delayeth coming- eat,
drink & be merry; Parable
barren fig tree;
Lsn 17 |
Luke 13-14-15-16;
Matt 18 |
Parables of Wedding Guests; Great Supper; Lost Sheep, Prodical Son; The Unjust
Steward; Law of Sacrifice;
& Lazarus & Rich Man.
Converts count cost before joining Church; Law of Reparation; Cannot serve
two masters; Take care of
poor. |
Lsn 18 |
2 Peter |
Spirit Prison - Hell - Bright
Recollection of guilt; status
of couples not sealed |
Lsn 19 |
John 11; Luke l7
Matt 19-20 |
Lazareth raised from dead; Jesus wept; Better that one
man should perish; Parables Ten Lepers; Importunate
Widow; Pharisee & Publican;
Laborers in Vineyard;
Rich Young Man; Those who
forsake...reward a hundred-
fold. |
Lsn 20 |
Matt 17-18-21; Luke
17-20 |
Jesus foretells death; Apostles want preferential Treatment; Heals blind man; Amends & restitution; Christ riding on an ass; Parable of The Pounds; Jesus wept over
Jerusalem; Cleansed temple
a 2nd time; cursed fig tree;
Destroy temple & in 3 days I will raise it up;. Where does Jesus get his authority;
Parable of Wicked Husband-
Men; temporal sovereigns;
Lsn 21 |
Mark 11-14; Matt 21-23 |
Christ anointed; Christ cathing in denouncing
Hyprocrisy; A Bible a Bible;
Parables of Husbandman-
Royal Marriage Feast; What
Do I do to Inherit Eternal Life. |
Lsn 22 |
Matt 23; John 12 |
The Beatitudes; Seven woes;
Woe unto ye Lawyers; Am I
My brother's keeper; Widow'€™s mite; I have glori-
fied it and will glorify it again; If I be lifted up...; Walk in darkness at noon day; signs of last days; The love of many wax cold;
Apostasy & false Christs;
Lsn 23 |
Matt 24-26; Luke 1 |
Lsn 24 |
Matt 9; Luke 22;
John 13-14 |
Passover & Feast of Unlea-vened Bread; Twelve again
wanted preference; Peter
washed Jesus€™ feet; Judah's
Betrayal; Ten points on what
Jesus does for us in Sacra-
ment; I go to prepare a place;
Son in express image of the
Father; Greater works than
these; Ask in My name; The
Two Comforters; Holy Ghost sent by Father in the name of
Jesus Christ; Bring all things
to your remembrance. |
Lsn 25 |
Luke 22; John 14-17
Mark 14; Matt 26 |
Lsn 26 |
Luke 22-23; John 18;
Matt 26-27 |
Angel appeared to strengthen Christ in Gethsemane; Christ
warns us to accept him; Art
Thou the Christ; I Am that
I Am; Thirty pieces of silver;
Pontias Pilate; Crucify Him;
3 points of high treason;
What is truth?; Tell that fox
(Herod); Christ scourged;
His blood be on us & our
children; |
Lsn 27 |
Luke 23; Matt 27- |
King of the Jews; Christ Crucified; Father forgive
them; A sword shall pierce
thy soul; My God, My God,
why hast thou forsaken me?;
Jesus body claimed by
rich man of Arimathaea;
Women at sepulchre; Angel
appeared to Mary Magdalene. |
Lsn 28 |
John 20-21; Luke 24 |
Christ resurrected.; Jesus
appeared to Mary and Peter;
Apostles had gone fishing;
I go before you into Galilee;
Lord telling Peter he would die & John translated;
Christ's last recorded visit
On See of Galilee; |
Lsn 29 |
Acts 1-3 |
Lsn 30 |
Acts 4-7 |
Law of Recompense; Apostles questioned by
Jews - on authority; United
Order; Ananias & Sapphira
liars; Persecution and toler-
ance; Organize yourselves;
Stephen & Phillip perform miracles; Held only Aaronic Priesthood; Stephen stoned; Saul consented to Stephen's death. |
Lsn 31 |
Acts 8-10 |
Saul becomes Paul; Phillip
Converted Simon a
Sorcerer - wanted to purchase
Priesthood; Eunuch con-verted; Christ appeared to
Saul; Saul sent to Cornelius;
Christ spoke to Peter and Apostles to go to Gentiles; |
Lsn 32 |
Acts l0-13 |
God is no respecter of persons; Peter returns to
Jerusalem to report to other
Apostles; Called Christians;
Repentance; James killed;
Angel released Peter from
prison; Herod died; Barnabus
Saul, and (John) Mark called on missions; John Mark leaves mission.
Lsn 33 |
Acts 13-14-16-21 |
Scheduled range of priorities; Nations offered gospel on
different occasions; Judge
yourselves unworthy of
Eternal life; Paul stoned,
raised from the dead; Topic
of circumcision; Apostles
set policy; tolerant & charit-
able to new members;
Timothy circumcised; differ-
ence between necessity &
convenience; Paul cast out
evil spirit from damsel.
Lsn 34 |
Acts 16-17; Thess 5;
2 Thess 1; John 4 |
Apostles cast out devils; Paul & Silas prayed - earth- quake released them from
prison; Belief and works;
Paul's manner of teaching;
Children of night & day;
Steps to improve relationship
with God; Tribulations; God
dwells in fire; Agency; Work
and labor; Atheistic material-
ists & Stoicks encounters
Paul. |
Lsn 35 |
Acts 17-21 |
Many Gods in Athens; Mars Hill- To the Unknown
God; We know who we
worship; Apocrypha; Be not
afraid to speak; Paul sailed
to Syria; Paul makes vow -
shaves head; Paul's 3rd
missionary journey; Aquilla
& Pricilla taught Apollos;
Two baptisms-water & fire;
Exorcists overcome by
Evil spirits; Demetrius - a
Silversmith - make silver
shrines for Temple of Diana;
Paul raised young man from
the dead.; wolves would
enter into the flock; Agubus
prophesies of Paul’s imprison
Lsn 36 |
Acts 21-23-24; Galatians l |
Paul in Jerusalem; falsely accused of violating temple;
& teaching against law; Life
saved by Roman; Ananias
commands Paul be struck on
the mouth & Paul exclaimed
Thou whited wall; Jews took
an oath to kill Paul; Sent to
Felix and Porcius Festus &
Then King Agrippa &
Bernice - Almost thou per-
suadeth me to be a Christian;
We or angel preach any other
Gospel; old order superceded
by the new; False teachers. |
Lsn 37 |
Gal 2-4; I Cor |
Circumcision; God will give
as much saving truth as
people can bear; Law of
God given Jews;Lawbreakers
need Christ; Saved by
grace; Law of the Harvest; Men called of God - not of themselves; Unity; Weak of
world chosen to preach plain, simple, compelling manner;
The natural man. |
Lsn 38 |
I Cor 2-6 |
Paul'€™s two problems - Judaizers & Greeks; Wisdom
of men & wisdom of God; Be
one; Saints inherit all things;
Don'€™t judge as all men err;
Don't be puffed up in pride;
Paul says, Follow me for I
follow Christ; Greater than
the angels; Those who do not
repent lose kingdom; Forni-
cation; Marriage; Dust of the
Earth more obedient than man. |
Lsn 39 |
I Cor 9-12 |
Plurality of Gods; Status of Man and woman; Personal
worthiness essential pre-
requisite in all Gospel
ordinances. Don't partake of Sacrament if unworthy;
Gifts of the Spirit listed;
Women in Church; Order
in the resurrection; How
Kingdoms of Glory assign-
ed. |
Lsn 40 |
II Cor 1-13 |
Written from Macedonia; Dangers facing Church are -
12 -13 Flattery of prominent men
in the world, false educa-
tional ideas; & sexual
impurity. Christ can lift
our burdens; False teachers
water down doctrines; Gos-
pel greater than the Law of
Moses; Where the Spirit of
The Lord is there is liberty;
Honesty; Hope; a New
Creature; Magnify callings;
Godly Sorrow for sin;
Saints must pass through
tribulations; Give not
grudgingly; Boasting;
Satan sends False Apostles;
Lord gives men weaknesses;
Paul not one whit behind
the Chiefiest Apostles. |
Lsn 41 |
II Cor 12-13; Romans 1-7 |
Avoid contentions; Examine yourselves; Three important
5-6-7 gifts - faith, gift of the Spirit; & righteousness; Topics of Justification; Homosexuality;
Neutrality; Tolerate; Be doers
not hearers only; Justified by
grace, works & faith; Faith operates by law.
Lsn 42 |
Romans 7-9; Heb. 1 |
Predestination; Foreordination; Pre-existence;
Prophets represent Christ;
Fullness of gospel goes to
Nations on priority basis; Be
subject to God'€™s ministers;
Fellowship one another &
Gentiles. Value of O.T.?;
Seven points on What is Pre-existence. |
Lsn 43 |
Hebrews 2-10 |
Old law vs. gospel; Great High Priest; Enter into the
rest of the Lord; Two
Priesthoods - Melch. super-
cedes the Aaronic; Men must
be called to Holy Priesthood-
cannot ordain selves; Though
He were a Son yet He learned
obedience by the things He
suffered.; Meat not milk;
First Principles of the Gospel;
Crucify Christ Afresh; Un-
pardonable sin; Abraham sits
on his throne; Melchizedek
the man & Priesthood; With-
out Father or Mother; Points contrast Levitical Priests with
Jesus; Moses was ancient mediator - Christ is our
Mediator with the Father. |
Lsn 44 |
Hebrews 11 - Ephesians |
Saints strangers & pilgrims; Sacrifice; Prayer-personal story; Deborah & Barak; Better resurrection; Faith to endure suffering; Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth; Spirits of just men made perfect; Entertain angels unaware; Lord delights in chastity; Saints foreordained to receive gospel; Salvation by grace; One true church |
Lsn 45 |
Philippians; Colossians;
Philemon |
Protect republic & constitution - prophets speak; Act as though Christians; Not robbery to be equal with God; Apocrypha quotations; Work out own salvation; Don’t murmur or dispute; Sacrifice all To be heirs; Press toward the mark; Every good thing comes from gospel; spiritual understanding comes from Holy Spirit; Christ – firstborn of every creature; Mystery of God; Beware of philosophy; Life is hid with Christ; Wife’s role |
Lsn 46 |
Titus I & II; Timothy |
Epistle of obedience; George Washington – be Christian even in war; Teach correct doctrine; No promise of mercy to the wicked; Apostates punishment based on type and degree; Christ ordained to be a minister; Women’s conduct in the Church; Bishops; Still small voice of the Spirit; Conscience seared with hot iron; Marriage; replace spiritual exercise with Physical exercise; Care for WORTHY poor; Men are to provide for their family; Love of money is evil; Science; Immortality and eternal life; Contention is of the devil; Men & women lovers of self, boastful, self-centered, covetous, prideful, unthankful, without natural affection, despisers of righteous, high minded, etc.; Satan leads women away captive; philosophies |
Lsn 47 |
James |
Faith and works; Ask God for wisdom; Double minded man; Choose ye this day; Take responsibility for self; Be doers not hearers only; Truth shall make you free; True religion; Favoritism & bias wrong; Though your sins be as scarlet; Tongue the mirror of the soul; Patience; He who converteth a sinner hides multitude of sins |
Lsn 48 |
I & II Peter |
Christ foreordained to be Redeemer; Purify hearts & minds; Abstain from fleshy lusts; Gossip; Ungodly turn freedom into license; Suffering; Husbands and wives honor each other; Christ preached to spirits in prison; Joseph F. Smith vision of the dead; Don’t procrastinate; Come to Christ; Charity; We’ll experience fiery trials even if we are Saints; Priest- Hood to serve with zeal & energy; Be Thou humble; Calling & Election; Three grand secrets; Sure Word of Prophecy; Lustful saints perish in own corruption; Bible scoffed at in latter days |
Lsn 49 |
John 1-3; Jude |
How to find fellowship with God; The Word was God; God is light; Christ our Advocate with Father; Story-THE ROOM; Our wickedness causes curse to come upon land; Abide in light – Love not world; Antichrists; Christ warns punishment severe, how sore we know not; By your fruits ye shall know them; Blessings contingent on conditions; God is love; false prophets; Not every spirit, vision, or sign is of God; No man hath seen God - income- plete; Born again – water, blood, spirit; John described Heavenly Father; God loves us so He sent His Son to atone for our sins; Prayers answered according to His will; Love one another and you abide in the light |
Lsn 50 |
Revelations 1-5 |
John’s vision; Letters to seven churches - praise And condemnation; Eleven promises given Saints who overcome; Become a God; Saw the Father; Beasts in heaven; Opening Seven seals; Severe persecution |
Lsn 51 |
Revelations 6-11 |
More on Seven thousand year seals; White horse - victory; Red horse - power To take peace from earth; Black horse - Famine; Pale horse - death & hell; Christian martyrs; huge earthquake; 144 thousand sealed; judgments come with the opening of 7th seal. l/3 ocean life destroyed. John eats little book; Two witnesses raised up in Jerusalem, killed – rose up after 3 l/2 days to heaven; temple in Heaven. |
Lsn 52 |
Revelations 12-end |
Time no longer; More on little book; John holds keys of the kingdom on The earth; Great sign in heaven; Woman is restored Church; Lord counsels missionaries; war in heaven; Satan is the dragon & is worshipped; Evil & devil led powers to arise & gain dominion over men; the mark of the Beast; Lord stands on Mt. Zion with 144,000; angel seen with the everlasting gospel to be restored in latter days; Eight great & wonderful truths; Plagues will come – six listed; Three unclean spirits – working miracles; islands flee; Mountains cease; Kingdom of Satan depicted as a harlot; Church of the Devil. Twelve things wicked governments do to the people; Greater the wickedness the greater the suffering; Final battle at Armageddon; Woe to those pregnant; Nations battle – huge destruction - men smitten with madness – blind rage overrule reason. Two thirds of armies destroyed; Christ appears to Jews; Marriage Supper of the Lamb; Jesus riding White Horse – comes in red apparel; Satan bound; the great judgement of all men & women; New Jerusalem; Second Death; Earth celestialized; A river and a Tree of Life. IT IS FINISHED. |