Lsn 1 |
& Section 1 |
Introduction to D&C & Church History. (This book bears the honor of a preface given by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself). Christ’s promise of protection to the righteous & His warning to the rebellious. Prepare for what is coming. Lord is angry – His people have strayed. Turn from iniquities or face wrath of God. Missionaries proclaim truths. The fullness of His Gospel now again on earth. God’s Spirit will not always dwell with man. Search commandments & scriptures or stand condemned. |
Lsn 2 |
Section 2 |
Lucy Mack Smith’s testimony; history of Joseph Smith; importance of families being sealed together. Who are the fathers and who are the children? |
Lsn 3 |
Sections 2-4 |
More on Joseph Smith; Translation of Book of Mormon; Martin Harris takes plates to Professor Anton. Martin borrowed some writings & they were lost. The Lord said His work cannot and will not be frustrated. Joseph entrusted with these sacred things; Joseph Smith Sr.; a marvelous work and a wonder about to come forth. Given to us so we can stand blameless before God. If ye have desire to preach gospel, ye are called; characteristics of a missionary. Lord commands plates be shown only to a few chosen by Him. Urim and Thummin. |
Lsn 4 |
Sections 5-10 |
Don’t run faster or labor more than you have
Strength; pray always; Lord explains Satan’s
plan to destroy man; Joseph given wisdom
to deal with evil men; Lord says he is not
bringing forth Book of Mormon to destroy
Bible - rather it confirms that sacred record;
He affirms He is Jesus Christ. Other Sheep;
men wrest the scriptures. Repent – come to
Him. Lord provides three witnesses & says
men will be condemned if they don’t
receive the testimony He gives to them. |
Lsn 5 |
Sections 6,8,
9, 17 |
John The Baptist appears; Lord speaks to the witnesses He has chosen, they are
shown the plates. He has a mission for each
of us. Say nothing but repentance to this
generation. Oliver Cowdery given gift of
spokesman for Joseph – like Aaron to
Moses. Two or three gathered, the Lord will
be there. Oliver desired to translate – Lord
warned “Without Faith you can do nothing”
Oliver & Joseph saw cave with thousands
of ancient gold plates. When called -
proceed with all diligence or calling lost.
Ask, ye shall receive – knock, it will be
opened to you; The thing of most worth
is to declare repentance. |
Lsn 6 |
Sections 7-19 |
John the Revelator translated – became
ministering angel; Hyrum Smith given gift
of a tender, sympathetic heart & merciful
spirit; minds now enlightened; trust in
the Spirit & be obedient. To be missionary
“wait a little longer until trained in
correct doctrine.” You need not suppose
ye are called to preach until ye are
called. Don’t assume authority. David,
John & Peter Whitmer assist in the work;
other missionaries called. Lord affirms
Joseph Smith is the prophet. Worth of souls
great in eyes of God. Contend against no
church save the Devil’s Church. If ye know
not the name by which ye are called…
Jesus Christ is the name; I command ye
to REPENT lest I smite you; I God have
suffered & bled from every pore; get out
of debt; I am the light which shineth in
darkness; Thou hast a gift… If you joy over
one convert, how great will be your joy
bringing in many converts. |
Lsn 7 |
19-20 |
Lord proclaims Himself (Alpha & Omega –
Christ the Lord – I AM HE – The Beginning
and The End – The Redeemer of the World).
Lord explains the expression End of World;
all will be judged either as criminals or
as children of the Lord. Explanation of
eternal damnation & eternal punishment;
Ye are gods; Hell; Why does God com-
mand his children? Pray vocally & in heart.
What does God look like? Gospel given to
Adam; Doctrine of grace & sanctification;
joy great if you convert but one soul; The
Sacrament Prayers. |
Lsn 8 |
20-22 |
Three Requirements for baptism; Paul vs.
James on faith & works; Lord explains
offices in Church & the proper mode of
baptism; Lord speaks of sacramental
bread & wine and how to deal with
transgressors; Lord says a record is
to be kept; actual day Church is organized; commanded again to listen to Joseph
- He is the Lord’s anointed for this dispensation; those who labor for God receive
blessings; Oliver Cowdery called first
preacher of this church before world; Joseph
Smith & Oliver ordained elders; The cross
not displayed. |
Lsn 9 |
23-26 |
Saints persecuted – mobs reject them like
the missionaries of the past; pride; Samuel
Smith’s mission; Prayers fall on deaf ears;
First miracle in the Church; Prophet
arrested on false charges - trial a sham;
Saints had to flee for lives; Joseph compared
to Moses; The Lord’s creations; when
called - answer the call; magnify office;
beware of pride lest ye enter into
temptation; Joseph’s gifts spiritual not
financial; cursing on believers not
performed on slight provocations – only by
Spirit – man can’t see the heart; Not to sue
at the law; only revelation directed to a
woman – Emma Smith – murmur not – an
elect lady, choose sacred hymns; It will be
given thee… what to say; declare gospel as
a triumph. |
Lsn 10 |
27-28 |
Joseph in Harmony, Penn.; Joseph stopped
by an angel when going to buy wine for
sacrament - told that it mattereth not what
you partake in regard to Sacrament but
do it with an eye single to the glory of God;
commemorates his death – not a sacrifice,
rather a representation of sacrifice. Peter,
James and John; names of Archangels; gird
up our loins; put on whole armour of God;
put on the shield of faith, helmet of
salvation. Satan introduces a seer stone;
Oliver received specific directions; who can
receive revelation? Teachers must teach
true doctrine. Preach to Lamanites; the
New Jerusalem; proper way to correct
errant brother; declare gospel with rejoicing;
important doctrines given brethren before
their missions. |
Lsn 11 |
Section 29 |
Ye are chosen out of the world to declare
My gospel; I am in your midst and am your
Advocate with the Father… be glad; Little
Children redeemed through Christ, they
cannot sin – Satan cannot tempt till age of
accountability; man appointed by God
the days of his probation. Commandments
temporal and they are also spiritual. Lord’s
people to be gathered to America in one
place for training to go into the world;
Lord warns nations to repent before disaster;
some warnings already given – destruction
throughout world is occurring; calamities
will abound; wicked will not pay attention;
spirit world, prison; children of men will
appeal to the atonement of Christ in vain –
too late! Plagues will come; people cry out
in anger against the Lord; Great and
Abominable Church. Judgements to come
upon the Nations for the Church of the
Devil well established; Kingdom of God
will not be joined by everyone – many sects
preaching continue during Millennium;
conditions after 1,000 year Millennium.
Spiritual and temporal creation of earth;
not one hair of your head lost; Hell – not
decreed by God that these shall return. |
Lsn 12 |
30-37 |
Various directions given by the Lord to
those now called on missions & their
stories; we are in closing scenes of the
present world; field is white ready to
harvest. Prepare the way of the Lord; cry
repentance. The Lord said ‘time is near;’
all nations tremble; kingdoms torn to
pieces. Lord again testifies of Himself,
affirms the Gentiles great folly &
abominations – falsehoods overcome;
calls on weak & unlearned to thrash the
nations of the world by the word of his
Gospel. The Lord says Joseph has keys
of the mysteries & fullness of Gospel as
promised in Revelations. Joseph told
to move to New York & then Ohio, and
westward. Revile not against those who
revile. None doeth good except those
who accept gospel. I will be their shield
& they will fight manfully for Me. Fear
not little flock. |
Lsn 13 |
38-41 |
He that receiveth my law and doeth it
is my disciple, he that doeth not is not;
building Zion our greatest object; Lord
says now people will receive His law;
As man is God once was; gives names of
the Father – MAN OF COUSEL, MAN OF
HOLINESS. Billions of galaxies; control
light; seraphs or angels; Lord knows all
things. Enoch & his city; Lord says the
wicked kept in ‘chains of darkness’ until
Judgment; The Lord has visited His temple;
soon veil of darkness rent & all will see
Him; enemy shall not overcome; land made
rich by the Lord, righteous covenanted to
receive it; explains stages earth went
through; Lord is King; teach one another
and love them; warns of enemy in secret
chambers; those who want war; calamities
again predicted for last days; enemy will
seek your lives; an endowment to be
received from on high; be rich to things
spiritual not temporal. Save yourselves; be
ye clean. Parable of the Sower. |
Lsn 14 |
Sections 39-
42:26 |
Fear and persecution causes one to reject
calling as missionary. Not all who say
“Lord, Lord” shall enter kingdom of
Heaven. Newel K. Whitney enters Church;
many plain & precious truths removed from
Bible; calling of bishops; revelation here
called THE LAW OF THE LORD; all
blessings predicated upon law; the
missionaries to go 2 by 2 – prayer of faith;
follow doctrine – not own opinion; lift up
voices by Comforter; Ten Command-
ments and moral commandments found in
scriptures; personal story – no repentance;
if ye receive not the spirit ye do not teach. |
Lsn 15 |
Section 42 |
Laws of the Lord; adultery; do not speak
evil of neighbors; if thou love Me keep
My commandments; the Lord’s method
to help poor; saints forbidden to be proud
in their hearts; those that are idol and those
who are sick – faith to be healed -
blessings; death sweet to the righteous;
if thou shalt ask; murderer; handling
offenses between members; instruct &
edify one another. |
Lsn 16 |
42-45 |
Missionaries – Lift up voices & spare not;
wake up – people asleep; missionaries will
be called home, Lord will preach own
sermons with calamities; etc. This is the
LAST CALL. Satan will be bound.
(longest & most doctrinal sections); rapid
growth of Church – great opposition; Lord
FATHER pleading, “Father, behold the
suffering and death of him who did no
sin...” Hear while there is yet time!!
Lord is a responsible parent, he reasons with
us; spirit without body feels in bondage;
Olivet Discourse – signs of last days;
men will stand in holy places for safety
in last days; great things await you; don’t
battle Zion – Zion is terrible; Lord will
fight our battles; sacrament meetings to be
guided by the Spirit; don’t ask for signs.
If not appointed unto death you can be
healed by faith; The New Jerusalem a city
of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of
the Most High God; Let us not go against
Zion for it is terrible. |
Lsn 17 |
46-52 |
Foolish stories; transgressors must make
reconciliation before partaking of sacrament;
seek best spiritual gifts; Word of Wisdom;
gifts – knowledge, wisdom, faith to be
healed, working of miracles, prophesy,
discerning spirits, speaking tongues (often
misused or misunderstood). Keep history
of Church; shakers bound in tradition &
priestcraft; Lord gives instructions on food;
woe pronounced on those who kill animals
wantonly; not everything supernatural from
God – Satan and his followers deceive us;
both teacher and student must have Spirit of
truth within them; how to find happiness;
rebuking evil spirits; REASON
TOGETHER; Lord says we are little
children & can’t bear all things now – none
that the Father gave Christ will be lost;
The Father & Christ are one; our temporal
inheritances; Law of Consecration; Parable
of the Talents. Give thanks unto God for
whatever blessing ye are blessed with.
Lsn 18 |
Section 51 |
Law of Consecration in action; apostles &
great leaders can fall. Many are called but
few are chosen; blessed are those who
keep the covenants. Phelps called to run
newspaper; God does not have malice;
story of Ananias & Sapphira in NT; The
Lord Commands & Revokes; the pure in
heart; Saints highly cultured – brought
jealousy among non-members; Missouri
consecrated; glory after much tribulation;
drawbacks & difficulties; man does not see
as God sees; reasons Saints in Zion; Be not
Lsn 19 |
58-59 |
Church membership skyrocketing – over
2;000; if faithful in life or death - receive a
great reward; trials; royal wedding feast;
no man law unto self; be engaged in good
Cause – do many things of free will; “It is
not meet that I command in all things;
men should be anxiously engaged in good
cause; soft-pedaling repentance; agent appointed to purchase land; do missionary
work when traveling; don’t violate Sabbath;
devote Sunday to spiritual things; story of
Mary & Martha; promise of blessing – the
fullness of the earth is yours. Wo to the
rich... wo to poor.
Lsn 20 |
60-63 |
Lord not pleased when we don’t open our
mouths; My sheep know my voice –
memories from pre-existence; definition
of “wicked;” Don’t idle time away or bury
talents; bless & curse the waters; last days
waters dangerous; God can cast men to hell;
He doesn’t like sign seekers; list of those
who inherit hell; another promise for
keeping commandments – a gift of the
mysteries of His kingdom; saints scourged
from city to city but not forbidden to defend
their families; reference to foolish & wise
virgins; don’t exalt self in your heart. In
nothing doth man offend God except
those who confess not his hand in all
things; Lord declared destruction on the
waters. Our testimonies recorded in heaven
for angels to look upon and rejoice.
Lsn 21 |
64-67 |
Lord said elders forgiven of sins; false
charges made against Joseph; must forgive
one another in our hearts or be afflicted &
chastened; ‘I, the Lord forgive whom I
will forgive, but of you it is required to
forgive all men.’ Parable of the Unmerciful
Servant; five steps to repentance; bishop
compromised & didn’t uphold law of
consecration; forbidden to get in debt to
enemies; pray often & call upon Lord;
Kingdom of Heaven not same as Kingdom
of God; instructions to missionaries;
McLellin tries to imitate Joseph’s
revelations; man must be quickened by
spirit to endure presence of God; faith
cometh not by signs but signs follow
believers. Veil rent & ye shall see God. |
Lsn 22 |
67-70 |
Elders lacking in faith; can see spiritual
world with spiritual not temporal eyes;
Bible will be scorned; Moses saw Satan had
no glory; to declare gospel without fear is a
special blessing; speak when moved on by
Spirit; faithful elders receive another
blessing to be able to see signs of the times
& have authority to seal up people to eternal
life; callings & elections made sure;
Phinehas in the OT slew a couple flaunting
God’s laws. Bishops must hold office of
high priest; duty of parents to children;
Five things parents must do; children have
free agency but we must train them. Seven
doctrines concerning children; correcting
children; don’t be lackadaisical in prayer;
Ether 2:16 Bro. of Jared chastened for 3
hours by the Lord for not praying; idlers &
those full of greed must be done away
Lsn 23 |
Sections 72-
76:49 |
Duties of Bishops; Law of Consecration;
mobs; gird up your loins; circumcision;
School of the Prophets; Joseph & Sidney
had 5 visions of eternity; Sons of Perdition;
Satan fell. Unbelieving spouse sanctified
by believing spouse.
Lsn 24 |
76:50-119 |
True nature of God; continuation of 5
visions given Joseph & Sidney; Plan of
Salvation; war in Heaven; Celestial,
Terrestrial, Telestial Glories; First
Resurrection. |
Lsn 25 |
77-78 |
Telestial world; Earth - sea of glass;
24 thrones; four beasts; book John saw;
angels - seven seals; Apocalypse; two
witnesses; bishop’s storehouse; buffetings
of Satan; 4 principles of United Order. |
Lsn 26 |
79-82 |
Missionaries sent out – have success, bear
trials; First Presidency; missionary work
most important thing we can do; Emma’s
character; Bishop Whitney broke foot;
Lord forgives as you forgive; Lord warns
“Be watchful – evil spreads;” repent - return
to sin & former sins return – Matt.
12:34-43; ‘I; the Lord am bound…;’ Law of
Enoch – partial Law of Consecration;
greater stewardship, greater potential;
make friends of mammon; Judgment lies
with God alone; widows & orphans -
temporal affairs; overcome economic
adversity; Faust gives 7 points; instant
gratification. |
Lsn 27 |
84:1-60 |
Gathering place – New Jerusalem; refuge
from storms; two priesthoods; Moses &
Aaron; life eternal unavailable without
ordinances; keys of authority brought from
heaven; Priesthood, not secular learning
reveals truths; unlocks door to heaven &
mysteries; preparatory gospel; book –
record of dead; new breed of men;
Oath & Covenant with the Lord; angels
appointed to guard them; My sheep know
My voice; Book of Mormon treated lightly. |
Lsn 28 |
85 |
Missionaries will do many wonderful works,
cast out devils, overcome poison, speak not
of sacred things to world; “In My name” do
these things; disbelievers damned; consider
the lilies of the field; no purse or scrip;
search diligently, don’t be slothful; plagues
continue until 2nd Coming; send money to
families – help the poor. Strong help the
weak; the body has need of each member;
last days peace only found in Zion; letters
become scripture; keep Law of Tithing;
still small voice; many try to steady the
arc (like Uzzah); names must be written in
Book of Life; do geneology; every elder
should become profound theologian. |
Lsn 29 |
Sections 86-
88:83 |
Ye are chosen out of the world. Prayer;
known as OLIVE LEAF; Parable of the
Good Seed; members weak and
inexperienced; Priesthood blesses
world; only they are protected from
darkness of latter days; Civil War
prophesied; Earth’s organization; Church of
the Firstborn; explanation of light of Christ;
resurrection of dead; Earth abides Celestial
Law; laws of Celestial, Terrestrial, and
Telestial kingdoms must be obeyed; Second
Death; Lord’s visitation to Earth near; learn
doctrine; Theology most important of all
Lsn 30 |
88:84-141 |
The Lord speaks on 7 points; go to
Temple to be purified & instructed; Lord
speaksof future & judgments to come;
Earth fly as a “chased roe” through space;
fighting as people turn on one another;
silence for l/2 hour; righteous caught up and
quickened; trumps sound; 7th angel brings
restored gospel to earth; angels reveal secret
acts of men; time no longer; Satan bound;
Millennium 1,000 years; men again tried;
Satan released, War again, Gog and
Magog; Get organized, prepare. School of
The Prophets; Word of Wisdom; wine &
tobacco; hot drinks; meat & grains; six
rewards for keeping Word of Wisdom;
personal testimony on Word of Wisdom. |
Lsn 31 |
90-93 |
Terrible mobbings & outrages in Jackson
County; be patient in afflictions; Joseph
Smith – an oracle; counselors appointed to
Joseph; hear gospel in own tongue – learn
languages; Lord commands education in all
things; beware of freeloaders; cease
wearying the Lord; angels rejoice over those
who repent; chastening tries faith and
patience; THIS is the LAST
GENERATION; Apocrypha;
unite temporal interests under Order of
Enoch; Glory of God is intelligence;
obedience is road to truth & glory; light
of Christ illuminates mind; Holy Spirit
makes us one with Christ; The Word
is both Christ & gospel; God gives
weaknesses to make us humble; Lord
wants intelligent worship; pre-existence;
creation & traduction theories. |
Lsn 32 |
93-95 |
Lord defines truth; agency gives us
opposites; Earth complaining; hatred
of Adam by Satan; Spirit must master
body; we all have light of truth within
us but we must act on it; body conforms to
preexistent spirit; man is eternal
in nature because of uncreatable
nature; gradation of intelligences; more
on the Plan of Salvation; ETERNAL
TRUTHS exist; men have great self
image – pride; Prophets warn us to
suppress self congratulation; Lord says
His glory is intelligence; Lord commanded we bring up children in light &
truth; we must constantly remind them;
we must be enlightened parents; saints build
house of prayer & printing office; a solemn
assembly; Lord says men walk in darkness
at noon day. |
Lsn 33 |
96-98 |
Saints in Kirtland – teaching and
miracles converted many, but
Missouri saints being driven by
mobs; miracle – Philo Dibble;
Kirtland temple to be built. 500
men with guns came against Saints
vowing to kill men, whip children,
and ravish the women; Lord says
“REJOICE” afflictions for your good;
We cannot hope to escape; Lord
called the Brethren His friends;
many need chastening; Zion visited
according to her works; prayers
heard by God; observe laws of land;
wisdom of the Father that they be
established in this land; if the
wicked rule the people mourn;
faithful receive line upon line….;
We will be tried even unto death;
do geneology – turn hearts of children
to their fathers; Forgive 70 times 70 –
Law of Forgiveness – enemy in your
hands; patience under persecution;
extend olive branch of peace. |
Lsn 34 |
99-101:76 |
Retaliation wrong; negative emotions cause
illness; proclaim gospel in midst of
persecution; responsibility to accept gospel
when offered; missionaries an effectual
door; preach with solemnity of heart & spirit
of meekness; Parley P. Pratt wrote of
Joseph; saints again beaten by mobs –
hundreds of exiles camped on Missouri
River, petition taken to state protesting
treatment; after MUCH tribulation come
blessings; saints had jarrings, contentions,
envyings, strife, lustful & coveteous desires
among them; esteemed lightly the counsel of
the Lord; Israel now to be gathered; Zion
will not be moved; three signs accompany
Second Coming; list of changes during
Millennium; Lord will open treasures of
knowledge; Lord speaks on persecution;
saints can become salt of the earth; Parable
of the Nobleman – similar Matt. 21:33-36. |
Lsn 35 |
101-103 |
Lord told saints to importune government
for crimes against them as provided by
the Constitution which through inspiration
was given by God; “your cause is just but
I can do nothing!” (Pres. Van Buren); first
high counsel of Church - only worthy men
should sit in judgment on this high
counsel for acts are recorded; reasons for
exile of saints (that the cup of iniquity
of Lord’s enemies be full & Saints
chastened for disobedience); saints begin
to prevail; Earth an everlasting inheritance;
the return to Jackson County; Lord will use
drastic measures to cleanse the Church; Lord
will fight our battles, but we must do all we
can. |
Lsn 36 |
103-105 |
Saints driven to Clay County, Missouri –
conference held; 190 women & children
driven 30 miles across prairie in Nov.-
leaving trail of blood; signs & displays in
the heavens; saints moved West by
the Lord to avoid civil war which would
come; now comes a call to arms “avenge
Me of Mine enemies;” ask & they will
receive; Zion’s Camp; bones of Lamanites
found – Zelph; message to Gov. Dunklin
to reinstate Mormon property; mobs gather
again – some are drowned - 200 stopped by
storms sent by the Lord; rebellion against
Joseph & God by brethren & cholera
struck; five points on why this happened;
Lord promises endowments to be received
in Kirtland Temple.
Lsn 37 |
107:39 |
United Order an everlasting order; world is sick – Lord must at times wipe out nations; word of prophets on this; the earth is full
there is enough to spare; properties divided;
dissolve partnership with United Order in
Zion for salvation of both groups; common
treasuries; Lord’s formula & Richard’s 5
point formula for getting out of Debt;
Lord comes as a thief in the night –
unexpected; Joseph commanded to call 12
apostles & a quorum of seventies;
priesthoods. |
Lsn 38 |
107, 108,
Intro to
l09 |
More explanation of Melchizedek &
Intro to Aaronic Priesthoods; Lord is LAWGIVER; personal testimony of apostles; mother’s callings; more on seventies and patriarchs; archangels; priesthood held by Adam, Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Moses;
meeting at Adam-ondi-Ahman; the
priesthood of the gods; LAWSUITS;
bishops our judge in Israel; Lord’s words
of forgiveness to his missionaries;
Visions in Kirtland Temple; endowment –
solemn assembly - dedication of temple.
Lsn 39 |
109-112:14 |
More on dedication of Kirtland Temple –
April 3, 1836; dedicatory prayer given –
Joseph asked for 13 blessings be given to the
saints; four visions were given to the
description given of the God of Israel;
Lord’s acceptance of temple; promised to
appear to the saints IF THEY KEEP HIS
COMMANDMENTS; Gospel of Abraham;
vision of Elias, and ELIJAH appeared;
baptismal work – geneology - SEALING
POWERS for living and the dead; wild
speculation – financial bondage – many
turned on Joseph; new converts needed;
missionaries sent to England; service.
Lsn 40 |
111-112 |
Kirtland Safety Society – financial institution of the Church; admonish elders
sharply; Lord expects men with great
spiritual knowledge to be faithful; parable
of the sower – Matt 13:19; pride – exalting
self because of high calling forbidden; Lord
doesn’t come in person, He sends servants;
upon My house shall it begin; parents
rob children of a righteous birth; men
must qualify for Lord’s protection; Joseph
fled to Far West, Missouri; THE STEM OF
rod is Joseph Smith; “loose the bands
from thy neck;” those who apostatize
replaced by others; NAME OF THE
LORD’S CHURCH; world clamor for
truth but it will be hard to find;
Adam will visit the earth to transfer
authority (keys) to Christ; AWAKE,
Lsn 41 |
119-123 |
July 8, 1838 – Law of Tithing given –
1/10 of all the Lord should give them;
– people give excuses & false
interpretations of this law; consequences
follow; (story of pioneer trek); benefits
to adversity; Governor Boggs issued
infamous extermination order against the
Mormons; now Joseph & others abused,
insulted & thrown into Liberty Jail; not
convicted of any crime; man may ask God
to execute judgment but he can’t take it
into his own hands; sins of the fathers
can be passed to their children; those who
falsely oppress saints will spend time in hell;
one God or many Gods? Man’s puny arm;
many called, few chosen; authority and
power – misused by man; The Lord speaks
to Joseph in Liberty Jail; we progress
faster with persecution than without it;
Lord commands a collection of abuses
be drawn up & given to leaders of U.S. |
Lsn 42 |
123-124 |
Division in ranks of the Saints – mobs
now encouraged; Egyptian mummies;
inspirational stories by Luck Mack Smith;
great speculation; spirit of charity lacking;
commandment to build Nauvoo House &
the Nauvoo Temple; Joseph commanded
to write proclamation to kings, presidents,
those in high offices; Joseph addresses
founding fathers to look upon this nation;
Mormons’ case taken before Congress who
did nothing; one man without guile; baptism for the dead; Lord accepts the will
for the deed; circumventing authority; truth
can be gained through prayer; sour disposition brings on bad health; dead person came
back to life to deliver a message from the
Lord; Lord counsels & chastises brethren.
Lsn 43 |
125-128 |
Lord gathereth as a hen gathereth; about
Brigham Young; enemies on the
move again; attempt made on Gov. Boggs
life – Orrin Porter Rockwell accused;
Joseph persecuted – his lamentation to Lord;
personal story on baptism for the dead;
Bishop Pike; recorder called for baptisms
for dead; two records – on earth & one in
Lsn 44 |
129-130 |
Joseph at height of spiritual power &
understanding; John Taylor explains why;
spiritualism with all its delusions; fallen
angels possess bodies; Joseph exposes them;
Satan can perform miracles & inhabit
bodies; William Phelps saw Satan ride the
waters; power given to missionaries over
evil spirits but they were not to boast;
only one true church; Moroni appears;
Christ went to spirit world; how to discern
the spirits – good and evil; translated
beings; beasts in Heaven; reckoning of
time and space; theory of relativity;
definition of an angel; worlds of a higher
order; ‘white stone;’ without knowledge we
cannot be saved. |
Lsn 45 |
130-132 |
Listen to Him who is the advocate with the
Father; blessings bestowed according to
fundamental laws; times of gentiles’ light
break forth; Father has a body; be not
troubled; blasphemy against Holy Spirit not
forgivable; we are gods in embryo;
children of a Heavenly Father; Stephen saw
the Father and the Son; large stick figure of
a man in the stars; 4 reasons why we need
correct understanding of God; spirit
of man not created – it’s eternal;
intelligence is really an inner light or
spiritual wisdom & understanding; three
degrees of glory within Celestial Kingdom;
marriage necessary for highest; More sure
Word of Prophecy; three grand secrets to
attain Celestial kingdom; calling and
election made sure; no such thing as
immaterial matter; plurality of wives;
Emma disinherited; Hyrum took revelation
of plural marriage to Emma; it shall be
called the New Jerusalem.
Lsn 46 |
Section 132 |
Joseph so progressed he didn’t need Urim
and Thummin to help him; Emma un-
willing to accept polygamy; men must
obey ALL the law to gain Celestial
kingdom; Lord must ratify certain matters;
those who died without knowledge of
the Gospel receive it in spirit world; gods
have an ascendance over the angels; those
who refuse an eternal marriage live
separately and singly without exaltation;
broad is the gate & wide the way that
leadeth to the “deaths;” two paths – one
broad one narrow; understanding eternal
marriage; Code of Mammurabi (sterile
woman shares husband); King David;
Emma’s denial that it started with Brigham. |
Lsn 47 |
Section 133 |
Known as Appendix; Lord coming to His
temple; Babylon; Parable of l0 Virgins;
story of Lot’s wife; The Lamb standing on
Mt. Zion; Jesus will stand on Mt. of Olives;
Priesthood strengthen one another; three
points to ready ourselves for Second
Coming; The Lord’s two capitals during
Millennium; the flight to gather should
not be in haste; angel sent forth; 144,000
high priests called as missionaries; Lost
10 Tribes led away by the Lord - location
(differing views), brought back
supernaturally to their lands of their
inheritance; Lord will come in RED
APPAREL; “When I called there were none
to answer;” talk - ‘THE STRAIGHT AND
Lsn 48 |
134-135 |
Without government there is anarchy;
obey the laws of the land; four guidelines by which Saints can measure the
worthiness of an issue or political leader;
justice elusive to Joseph and the saints –
stories given; Twelfth Article of Faith;
unjust laws; political leaders have
obligation to all men to exercise
freedoms; separation of church & State;
Lucy Mack Smith’s stories; saints murmur
against Joseph & he goes to jail & court;
violence of mobs increases.
Lsn 49 |
Section 135 |
Circumstances surrounding persecution of
the Mormons; Emma wrote blessing and
Joseph ratified it; Joseph & three others
In Carthage Jail – mobs came and killed
Joseph & Hyrum; temporal world rejoiced,
spiritual world wept; a review of the
Prophet’s deeds.
Lsn 50 |
136-137 |
Brigham Young and Orson Pratt on steamer
when they heard of Joseph’s death;
premonitions of disaster given; Church in
gloomy suspense; Emma & Brigham clash
and Emma stays behind; Sydney Rigdon
wanted to lead the Church; trying to
understand Emma; saints will gather in the
Rocky Mountains; a council determined the
route West; many hardships; “my people
must be tried in all things;” the fate of a
nation who rejects their prophet. |
Lsn 51 |
137-138 |
These revelations given while Joseph was
alive. Joseph given vision of the three
Degrees of Glory in sec. 76 & he spoke
with many of the ancients – also saw the
gate where exalted enter; President
Joseph F. Smith had a similar vision; the
flood was the baptism of the earth; why
some children live & some die; personal
story – death of a child; saw missionaries
preaching to the dead. |
Lsn 52 |
"The Accident" – Donna personal experience. |