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Book of Mormon
Read and study along with Donna as she reviews each chapter, adds new insights, and simplifies the scriptures. |
Doctrine & Covenants
and Church History
Donna Max walks you through each section, weaves in the history of the Church, and adds modern day application. |
New Testament
Join Donna in a comprehensive study of these scriptures and gain a better understanding of Christ, His mission, and our responsibility. |

Old Testament and
Pearl of Great Price
Gain new understanding of the OT with Donna as she reviews these scriptures and explains difficult passages, covenants, and the early Church. |
These remarkable and entertaining one-hour audio lectures walk you through the scriptures and explain their
meaning - as given by the authorized materials of the Church and the General Authorities. They are available for:
1. Gospel Doctrine teachers
2. Anyone preparing for missions!!!
3. Sunday School teachers
4. Mothers & fathers or anyone who have little time to study the scriptures
5. Teenagers and seminary students
4. Those in assisted living or who are ill & cannot attend Church
5. Those who do not have access to the many books and materials of the Church
6. Family Home Evening
7. Seminary teachers - extra material or a quick review
8. Leaders in Primary and Young Men & Women who miss Gospel Doctrine class
9. Blind or physically impaired
10. New members of the Church
11. Learning: during drive time to work and back; exercising while you listen; feed your
children; clean your house; relaxing; or just want a more in depth understanding of the
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For almost 20 years Donna Max has broadcast LIVE to over 150,000 citizens of Utah Valley, a weekly scripture study hour. THESE ARE THOSE BROADCASTS! She walks her listeners through the various chapters of scripture (using the authorized materials of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the writings of the Prophets) AND at the same time wherever possible she weaves in various, related gospel topics, history, world events (current and past) which pertain to the particular lesson, and personal stories, which all combine to make the scriptures come alive and hold your interest. Her lessons are loaded with information . They are very unique & inspirational! |
Although I have been a religion teacher for over 40 years, ( I have not aspired or pretended ) to be the last word on doctrine. I have done my best to present the material and my thoughts to you with the hope that they can help you in some way. I want you to know that for over 20 years, I used the authorized materials of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in writing, preparing, and broadcasting these lessons and have done my best to reference them. My pronunciation of words or names are sometimes “best guess” because at the time these were written and broadcast live, I had no experts to guide me. If you find any fault with these lessons, know that I take full responsibility as it is not the fault of these writers or the Spirit but rather my own frailties and interpretation. May the Spirit of the Lord be with us in our studies.
A Message from Donna:
Like many other LDS authors, researchers, and presenters - I too must quote Peter, 'Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.' (2 Peter 1:20-21.) Thus, I add, as do others, that specific interpretations of scriptural passages have been left largely to those who have been called, ordained, and set apart to speak for the Lord in these latter days; the prophets, seers, and revelators of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have quoted liberally from them throughout these lessons. However, like any Gospel Doctrine teacher, the way I have done so and my interpretation of such is my own responsibility.
Please note that these are not simple or ordinary gospel doctrine lessons (although they are easily understood). As a whole they are jam-packed with material covering every possible gospel doctrine topic and will vastly increase your knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and the gospel in general. This has been a missionary work encompassing the past 25 years, 20 of which included a one-hour-per-week live radio lecture to an audience of over 50,000 listeners in Utah Valley. These are those programs. As an introductory offer you are welcome to download one of these programs free (see top of page).
Without the incredible aid of the Holy Spirit this could not have been accomplished. Year after year I feel I was directed, by this same Spirit, to the materials and books and authors to be used in this project. I am most grateful for the very intelligent, inspired men of God who by that same Spirit have made their materials available to those of us less qualified (or less enlightened or spiritually endowed) to help us to further the missionary efforts in these latter days to save our eternal souls. A list of my references can be obtained upon request.
With these lessons you can receive an in-depth study of the scriptures anywhere, anytime and help in the work to prepare for the Second Coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The efforts to get these lessons to you have been met with great and terrible opposition from Satan and his minions, but the Lord has cleared the way. It has been a 25 year project, and the proceeds will further the missionary program of the Church and go to feed the poor & needy. The Lord has blessed me, and the many others who have helped with this project, to withstand the onslaught. May these lessons bless your life, as they have mine... I humbly pray in the name of
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Donna Max